Include FAN in your Planned Giving

There will always be emerging needs for faith advocates to help bend the arc toward justice, seek racial equity, and promote healing through social change. We are inviting you to include FAN in your planned giving. Please see the enclosed brochure and consider how your own plans align with FAN’s commitment to the common good.

See our Planned Giving brochure.
Review our Gift Acceptance Policy.

Workplace Giving

FAN is a 501 c3 nonprofit eligible for workplace giving through Benevity and many corporate platforms. Please let us know if you need confirmation of a gift for your employer.

Faith Action Network is a 501(c3) nonprofit organization (tax ID# 91-0687337) registered as a Charitable Organization in the State of Washington (UBI # 601 141 363). Donations are tax-deductible. We recommend you consult with your own professional tax advisor if there are questions.

“The work of FAN and its very existence as a faith-based body from numerous faith traditions has inspired and motivated us for years. FAN expresses and magnifies the impact of our Jewish values in the wider community. We especially feel supported by these people of many faiths, as do FAN’s members, knowing we will stand together to resist intolerance in all its forms. We are heartened to know that our resources will help sustain FAN long after our lives.”

— Jonis and Charles Davis