This is what faith in action looks like.

Whether you are just getting started or want to provide a refresher for your faith community or social justice group, below are a variety of resources to help. The first section highlights the building blocks of advocacy: click on the images for documents and links that help you Learn the Basics, Contact Legislators, Mobilize Communities, and Utilize the Media.

To learn more about specific bills and legislation, check out our Issue Fact Sheets page and Bill Tracker pages. During the legislative session, the Washington legislature’s website and its feature the Legislative Information Center will also be indispensable guides.

How to Make the Most of Your LD Caucus Time

Legislators’ Committees & Prime Sponsors of FAN Priority Bills

Advocacy 101 Toolkit Slide Presentation – January 2023  Workshop

Scroll down to find more specific resources about issues FAN works on year-round. We hope that you will find them helpful to put your faith in action!

If you need help, please contact us! Email Faith Action Network at or call us at 206-625-9790. We would love to partner with you in your work.

Additional Community Issues

Below are resources for issues beyond those specified in our Legislative Issue Fact Sheets. We offer them for use in your faith communities.