Our Network of Advocating Faith Communities (NAFC) comprises a growing network of 168+ communities across Washington State, committed to partnering with FAN and each other to build more just, compassionate, and sustainable communities.
FAN provides advocating faith communities with:
- Resources, training, and strategy for effective advocacy.
- Skilled staff members and committed volunteers to organize, teach, and strategize with your community and the larger network.
- Opportunities to communicate and collaborate with other congregations across the state.
- Regular legislative updates and alerts via email.
- Representation in the halls of the state legislature.
- Opportunities to communicate directly with legislators and policy makers, including our annual Interfaith Advocacy Day.
- Assistance in coordinating public forums or community forums.
This map shows all 160 faith communities in our Network of Advocating Faith Communities (NAFCs) across WA State. Click here or on the map to see an interactive view of each of our NAFCs!
Download the FAN Brochure
Folleto FAN en español
Join us!
Faith communities that participate in FAN join their voices with people of faith from across the state. Together, our faith communities represent a powerful, moral voice for social change. Participation in the network provides faith communities with access to FAN’s wide range of advocacy resources, from education curriculum and legislative updates to advocacy training and leadership development. We hope your faith community will consider joining our growing network!
Faith Communities Registration Form
Formulario de Inscripción y Compromiso

Learn more about joining our Network of Advocating Faith Communities on our Frequently Asked Questions page or write to fan@fanwa.org for more information.
NAFC Activities
NAFCs commit to at least five of the following activities, one in each category:
- Invite a FAN staff person to preach during worship or lead an adult education class.
- Convene a study with a focus on examples of advocacy in our sacred texts.
- Arrange for a presentation about current public policy issues.
- Study the Social Statements of our faith partners in an adult education class.
- Keep advocacy visible within the faith community by including it in the monthly newsletter of the congregation, as well as in other publications such as bulletins, signboards, and websites.
- Join with other faith communities in sponsoring a community educational forum.
Public Witness
- Send one or more people to Interfaith Advocacy Day as faith community representatives.
- Form a Rapid Response Team to mobilize the faith community to receive and respond to e-advocacy alerts from FAN, especially during the legislative session.
- Hold an offering of letters to federal, state, or local elected officials.
- Lead or promote voter registration in the community surrounding the place of worship.
- Join with other local faith communities in hosting public officials at a community forum.
Financial Support
- Attend the annual Faith Action Network fundraising dinner in November
- Make FAN a line item in your faith community’s budget
- Collect a special offering for FAN

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