2025 Legislative Agenda
Each year we shape our legislative priorities alongside our coalition partners, statewide network, FAN Policy Committee, and FAN Governing Board. We seek to advocate for and implement policies that advance our values grounded in faith and spirituality: belonging and human dignity, justice and equity, interconnectedness, collaboration and pluralism.
Download the 2025 Legislative Agenda – February 14, 2025
This agenda will continue to evolve as the session continues and bills are introduced and filed.

Promote Economic Justice & Equity
- Progressive Revenue: Support progressive revenue in order to sustain vital public services and infrastructure in the face of a predicted significant budget shortfall. Three possible options include: Wealth Tax on Financial Assets, High Earners Payroll Tax on Employers, and Affordable Homes Act (REET Reform). Bills and details will be added asap.
- Unemployment insurance benefits (SB 5041 Riccelli): Allows individuals unemployed due to a labor strike or lockout to receive unemployment insurance (UI) benefits
Strengthen Climate Justice and Environmental Stewardship
- Cumulative Risk Burden (CURB) Pollution Act (HB 1303 Mena/SB 5380 Lovelett): Prioritize environmental justice by considering cumulative pollution impacts in permitting processes.
- Recycling Reform Act (HB 1150 Berry/SB 5284 Lovelett): Hold packaging and paper product companies accountable for funding recycling programs. Ensure consistent, accessible recycling for all residents while reducing plastic pollution and waste.
- Protecting Climate Progress: Ensure Washington State maintains and enforces state clean energy policies to counter federal deregulation efforts. Support programs that lower costs through energy efficiency for homes and businesses.

Advance Immigrant and Refugee Rights
- Wage Replacement for Excluded Undocumented Workers (HB 1773 Cortes/SB 5626 Saldaña): Expand unemployment benefits to include undocumented workers.
- Preserving Immigrant Health Equity (HB 1482 Thai): Codify Apple Health Expansion and maintain funding for enhanced Cascade Care subsidies.
- WA Migrant and Asylum-Seeker Support (budget): Fund services promoting economic stability and long term integration for immigrants and refugees.
Increase Safe Affordable Housing and Prevent Homelessness
- Rent Stabilization (HB 1217 Macri/SB 5222 Trudeau): Protect tenants from excessive rent increases by implementing a 7% limit on annual rent increases for existing tenants and manufactured homeowners.
- Housing Assistance for Youth (SB 5082 C. Wilson/HB 1429 Taylor): Create a housing assistance program for youth enrolled in extended foster care.
- Safe Spaces, Strong Communities Act (HB 1380 Gregerson): Requires that any municipality or county laws that regulate the acts of sitting, sleeping, or keeping warm and dry outdoors on public property be objectively reasonable as to time, place, and manner.
- Expanding Opportunities for Affordable Housing Developments (HB1859, Salahuddin): Allows an increased density bonus for any affordable single- or multi-family housing development (with at least 20% for low-income households) located on property owned or controlled by a religious organization
- Housing Trust Fund (budget): Allocate $536 million in capital budget to support/preserve low-income housing.
- Prevent Cuts to Homeless Services (budget): Invest $253 million in operating budget to prevent cuts to homeless and housing services.

Foster Community Safety, Democracy and Civil Rights
- AG Investigations and Reform Bill (SB 5066 Hansen/HB 1056 Farivar): Authorize the Attorney General to investigate systemic misconduct in law enforcement and corrections agencies.
- Prohibiting Interference with Access to a Place of Worship (SB 5436 Solomon): Bars harassment or intimidation near a house of worship
- Permit to Purchase Firearms (HB 1163 Berry/SB 5140 Liias): Implement a comprehensive permit system for firearm purchases. This proven life-saving tool reduces firearm-related deaths and curbs illegal gun trafficking.
- Protections for Students (SB 5123 Nobles/HB 1855 Zahn): Expands protections for K-12 public school students related to gender expression and identity, housing status, ethnicity, neurodivergence and immigration status.
- State Matching Grant to support American Indian and Alaska Native students (HB 1479 Lekanoff): Establishes a grant program around cultural identity and academic progress.
- State Recognition of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha (HB 1434 Salahuddin/SB 5106 Trudeau): Establish these religious days as state-recognized unpaid holidays
- Fully Funding Bias Incidents Hotline and Non-Profit Security Grants program (budget).
Reform Our Incarceration System
- ACE (HB 1147 Farivar): Support civic engagement for incarcerated individuals by protecting their rights to participate in political and community activities.
- Judicial Discretion Act (HB 1125 Simmons/SB 5269 Frame): Allow judges greater flexibility in sentencing when the original sentence no longer serves the interests of justice.
- Accommodating Religious Celebrations in Correctional Facilities (SB 5131 Wilson): Requires the state DOC to accommodate religious celebrations, including meals, in state correctional facilities.

Ensure a Strong Social Safety Net
- Universal Free School Meals (HB 1404 Berg & Rude/SB 5352 Riccelli): Ensure every student in Washington State has access to free school meals.
- Working Families Tax Credit Expansion (HB 1214 Thai): Broaden eligibility and access for the WFTC program to include all eligible working resident 18 and over.
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Time Limit Exemptions: (HB1463 Cortes): Reinstate TANF Hardship Time Limit Exemptions to ensure help for all families who need it and to increase equitable access.
- Extend Funding for Food Banks and Senior Nutrition Programs (budget): Fully fund senior nutrition programs at $38 million and maintain support for food banks and pantries.
Expand Access to Health Care
- Improving Access to Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services (HB 1432 Simmons/SB 5477 Bateman): Helps enforce insurance coverage parity of mental and behavioral health.
- Enhancing Youth Mental Health and Wellbeing (SB 5369 Orwall/HB 1663 Rule): Authorizes licensed social workers in schools in coordination with mental health agencies and universities.
- Support Universal Health Care: Advance legislative efforts for universal health care, including the Washington Health Trust (HB 1445 Parshley/SB 5233 Hasegawa) and state-level single-payer systems.

Past Legislative Successes
Legislative Successes Reports
2024 Legislative Successes
2023 Legislative Successes
2022 Legislative Successes
2021 Legislative Successes
2020 Legislative Successes
2019 Legislative Successes
2018 Legislative Successes
2017 Legislative Successes
2016 Legislative Successes
2015 End of Session Report
2014 End of Session Report
2013 End of Session Report
2012 End of Session Report
2011 End of Session Report

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