Take Action with Love

Action item updated February 14, 2025


Your support is essential—sign-in PRO to advocate for policies that uplift Washington’s communities! Be sure to sign in at least one hour before the hearing.

SB 5380 Cumulative Risk Burden (CURB) Pollution Act prioritizes environmental justice by considering cumulative pollution impacts on highly impacted communities in permitting processes. Senate Environment & Energy Committee on 2/21 at 10:30 AM. Sign-In Pro Here.

SB 5714, Declaring civil immigration enforcement as unprofessional conduct of bail bond recovery agents. This means that if a bail bond recovery agent uses their position to enforce civil immigration laws, they could face disciplinary actions from the Department of Licensing (DOL), such as license suspension, revocation, fines, or other corrective measures. The bill aims to delineate the responsibilities of bail bond recovery agents, emphasizing that their role does not encompass the enforcement of federal civil immigration laws. Senate Law & Justice on 2/17 at 10:30 AM. Sign-In Pro Here.


Please reach out to committee members to express support and encourage a YES vote during these upcoming Executive Sessions. If you have a question regarding committee members, please e-mail our office at fan@fanwa.orgFor any of these, follow these links to send a comment to your legislators or call the legislative hotline 1-800-562-6000.

HB 1432 Improving Access to Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services. Helps enforce insurance coverage parity of mental and behavioral health. House Healthcare & Wellness on 2/18 at 1:30 PM to your legislator. Send a comment to your legislator.

HB 1881 Keep Our Care Act. Prohibits transactions among health care entities that would detrimentally affect accessible affordable health care in WA for at least five years, including primary, behavioral health, reproductive health, gender-affirming, and end-of-life care. House Civil Rights & Judiciary on 2/19 at 8:00 AM. Send a comment to your legislator.

SB 5222 Rent Stabilization to improve Housing Stability for Tenants. Aims to limit rent and fee increases, require advance notice for rent hikes, and cap security deposits and fees. This bill also establishes a landlord resource center and provides Attorney General enforcement to protect tenants from predatory practices. Senate Housing on 2/19 at 10:30 AM. Send a comment to your legislator.

HB 1859 Expanding Opportunities for Affordable Housing Developments by Religious Organizations. Allows an increased density bonus for any affordable single- or multi-family housing development (with at least 20% for low-income households) located on property owned or controlled by a religious organization. House Housing Committee on 2/20 at 8:00 AM. Send a comment to your legislator.

SB 5626 Wage Replacement for Excluded Undocumented Workers expands unemployment benefits to include undocumented workers. This bill creates a state-funded wage replacement program to ensure that all workers—regardless of immigration status—have economic stability during periods of unemployment. Excluding these workers increases poverty, harms families, and weakens local economies. Senate Labor & Commerce on 2/21 at 8:00 AM. Send a comment to your legislator.

HB 1463 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Time Limit Exemptions reinstates TANF hardship time limit exemptions to ensure help for all families who need it and to increase equitable access. The House Committee on Early Learning has had a hearing but not scheduled an executive session. Encourage them to do so. Send a comment.

*** The Policy Cutoff deadline is February 21, requiring bills to advance out of policy committees in their house of origin unless deemed necessary to implement the budget. If there are other bills you are advocating for, encourage committee members to move them out of committee by this deadline.

Support Progressive, Sustainable Revenue in Washington State

Action item updated February 7, 2025

As we continue through the 2025 Legislative Session, critical bills are scheduled for hearings this week, addressing housing stability, economic justice, student nutrition, and freedom from harassment at places of worship. Your support is essential—sign-in PRO to advocate for policies that uplift Washington’s communities! Be sure to sign in at least one hour before the hearing.

Earlier this year, Washingtonians learned that there is a projected $12 billion shortfall in the state budget over the next 4 years. We remember the last budget deficit during the 2008 recession, when legislators balanced the budget by cutting vital services and programs that were critical for working families and those living on the economic edge. As people of faith and conscience, we want to make sure this approach is not repeated. Instead we are urging legislators to seek progressive sources of revenue that will help Washington create a sustainable budget, preserve services and programs that enhance our quality of life, and ensure a more equitable tax code. Let’s fill legislators’ inboxes!

Take Action to Stabilize Rent

Action item updated January 29, 2025

We believe that housing is a human right and that rent stabilization ensures that all of us can have stable, affordable housing by limiting excessive rent increases. Bills HB 1217 (Alvarado) and SB 5222 (Trudeau) are currently moving through both houses and need our support so that they keep momentum. This is a bill with many strong opponents in the landlord and construction industries. Our state senators, especially, need to hear from us.

  • Evictions in Washington are at the highest level in recorded history and homelessness continues to increase. (WA Low Income Housing Alliance)
  • Nearly half of all renter households in the state face high-cost burdens, paying more than 30% of income on housing costs, with one-quarter paying more than 50% of income on housing costs. (The State of the State’s Housing 2024)

Please personalize and send this letter to your legislators and the Governor.

Take action and send your message to your senators and representatives today!