Ways to Get Involved
- Sign Up for FAN eNews & Advocacy Alerts
- Encourage your Faith Community to join FAN
- Educate and engage others in your congregation in FAN’s advocacy agenda
- Speak up for justice & sustainability on Interfaith Advocacy Days (February)
- Attend a Regional FAN Summit to shape FAN’s priorities (late spring)
- Join a FAN cluster or interim meeting with your legislator (summer/fall)
- Invite FAN staff to your faith community to talk about ballot initiatives, 100% voting, or advocacy skills and legislation
- Bring Friends to FAN Annual Dinner (November)
- Join a Working Group on an interest area like Economic Justice, Criminal Justice Reform, or Climate Change (ask us!)

Ways to Support FAN
FAN’s work is fueled by your generosity. These are just a few ways to financially support FAN—please contact us at fan@fanwa.org or 206-625-9790, if you’d like to explore other possibilities.
- Support our mission – make a secure gift through the Orange Donate button at the top of the page or send a check to our P.O. Box.
- Keep us moving forward throughout the year! Include FAN in your monthly giving by setting up automatic payments through Click and Pledge.
- Include FAN in your Planned Giving.
- Sponsor a table at our Annual Dinner celebration in the Fall.

Faith Action Network is a growing network of advocating faith communities and individuals of faith and conscience. We are seeking to strengthen our organizational capacity and build a strong statewide, multifaith movement for justice. FAN invites the engagement of volunteers at all levels who share our vision and want to join a community of change agents! We also invite you to be part of supporting our financial capacity to carry out and sustain this work as we meet emerging needs.

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