Use this section of the Advocacy Toolkit to learn more about COVID-19, vaccine access, and how faith communities can play a part in equitable distribution of vaccines.

As vaccines become more readily available, FAN is partnering with the WA State Department of Health to ensure equity in vaccine access and distribution across our state. COVID-19 continues to be a threat to our local and global neighbors, so please continue to follow CDC recommendations for safe practices and encourage everyone you know to get vaccinated as quickly as possible! Dr. Umair A. Shah, Secretary of Health for the WA State Department of Health, shares a message of encouragement in the video to the right —>

View and download vaccine messages from faith leaders in FAN’s Network here:

Faith Leaders Speak: Don’t Hesitate – Vaccinate! – Full compilation video
Pastor Carey G. Anderson – First AME Church, Seattle
Presiding Elder Spencer Francis Barrett – Pacific NW Conference Cascade District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)
Bishop Shelley Bryan Wee – NW WA Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
Rabbi Seth Goldstein – Temple Beth Hatfiloh, Olympia
Imam Adam Jamal – Muslim Association of Puget Sound, Redmond

Pastor Liv Larson Andrews – Salem Lutheran Church, Spokane
Bishop Gretchen Rehberg – Episcopal Diocese of Spokane
Rev. Cruz Edwin Santos (Spanish) – Hispanic/Latinx Ministries, Pacific NW Conference of the United Methodist Church
Naghmana Sherazi – Chair – Muslims for Community, Action and Support, Spokane
Councilmember Betsy Wilkerson – Spokane City Council and member of Bethel AME Church, Spokane

National Resources

Statewide Resources

Reopening Guidelines

COVID-19 Safety Resources
Follow updates from Washington State Department of Health

Additional Statewide Resources

Local Resources

Local Health Departments and Districts
Find regional updates through the County Public Health Map where you can click on local jurisdictions.

Vaccine Resources

Finding a Vaccine
Vaccines are now available to all, ages 12+. Find a vaccine near you through the Department of Health Vaccine Locator, the WA COVID Vaccine Finder,, or the Vaccine locator in 30 languages.

  • is a grassroots-led Facebook group which has connected hundreds of thousands of people who have had difficulty finding or accessing vaccines – consider joining if you are having trouble finding a vaccine or would like to support others in receiving theirs.
  • The Department of Health has launched a mobile vaccine Care-A-Van to reach communities that are disproportionately affected by COVID-19. See this flyer and their website for more information and to request a visit!
  • Need help accessing transportation to a vaccine clinic? Use this guide to find a free ride!
  • WA State Department of Health hosted a webinar to answer basic questions about the COVID-19 vaccine. Recordings available in English and Spanish

Vaccine Hesitancy
Some communities and individuals may be afraid or hesitant to receive the vaccine. Trusted messengers such as faith leaders can play a key role in assuring community members of vaccine safety and building confidence. See this vaccine FAQ guide for faith leaders for tips and this COVID-19 Vaccine Safety flyer from the Department of Health.

Vaccine Equity
This report by the Department of Health shows vaccine coverage by race and ethnicity in WA State counties for April 2021. The gaps in coverage show where our work is most needed to keep everyone in WA State safe and healthy.