FAN Opposes all four initiatives!

Our Board voted to oppose the newest initiative on the November ballot, I-2066, concerning “regulating energy services, including natural gas and electrification.” The effect of this initiative would be to protect natural gas, which is 90% methane, among energy sources and fuel types. It would delay the transition toward a cleaner and more efficient energy infrastructure needed to meet our state’s climate goals. And it would burden low-income households without disposable income to buy solar panels, heat pumps and electric cars with an energy source that is associated with lung and cardiovascular health problems. We are recommending a “no” vote on 2066 because voting no aligns with our values of interconnectedness, supporting policies that promote resilience, sustainability and environmental justice; seeking systems that enable all people and communities to have the resources and opportunities to live a full and meaningful life.

You can work against initiatives by taking the following actions:

>Pledge to vote no on I-2109

Pledge to vote no on I-2117 here

Pledge to vote no on I-2124 here

The No on 2117 campaign is spreading the word across the state to make sure people vote NO to protect our air and water, forests and farmland, jobs, and transportation investments.

Initiative 2117 is on the statewide Washington ballot this November. If voters approve, it would repeal our state’s landmark law to cut climate pollution and fund clean energy – and would block future action.

This summer, the campaign has set an ambitious goal of reaching 70,000 households during their Summer Weekends of Action: August 24-25, and September 7-8.

Sign up here for a weekend of action flyering event near you! Together, we can reach our coalition’s ambitious goals and defeat I-2117!

Not seeing an event in your community? Sign up here to host an event! Hosts find a convenient location, and we’ll get you the materials and information you need to lead a a super-effective event.

You can also join a Table Talk on Initiative I-2117 and Washington’s Climate Commitment Act on Thursday August 29th at 6:00pm in the Gallery Room at the Richland Public Library (955 Northgate Drive). Douglas Ray, Board Chair of Carbon Washington and Senior Research Fellow Emeritus at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory will share his views on the strengths and weaknesses of the Climate Commitment Act and explain why he and Carbon Washington oppose Initiative 2117. The League of Women Voters of Washington State also opposes the initiative. Information on all three ballot initiatives will be provided.

The No on 2109 campaign can also be supported through the links below:

No on 2109 sign on letter if you’re a healthcare provider

No on 2109 sign on letter if you’re a parent of school age children

No on 2109 sign on letter if you’re a childcare provider

Social Media Toolkit that includes pre-made graphics you can post to your faith communities’ social media and/or newsletter/bulletin to easily announce the election deadlines and encourage people to vote.

Civic Engagement Toolkit will offer the tools and guidelines of different ways to engage in the democratic electoral process at faith communities. Use it as a handy guide in your 100% Voting Faith Community journey!

FAN’s Ballot Initiatives Webpage gives you a starting point to learn about the three initiatives we are saying NO to that would reverse decades of our work to make Washington more sustainable and equitable. Also check out our one pager detailing all three Ballot Initiative Recommendations (fourth to be added soon).

100% Voting Faith Community

Join our 100% Voting Faith Communities Campaign

Are you looking for ways to join the 23 other faith communities in our state in encourage voting and civic engagement in your faith community this election year? Are you also looking for community-led support? If your answers are yes, FAN invites you to join a Cohort of 100% Voting Faith Communities! Many faith traditions highlight the importance of voting in preserving community well-being and the common good in democracy. The Network of 100% Voting Faith Communities Campaign is a community space to share ideas, tools, and peer support. Whether you are a leader authorized to take action on behalf of your faith community or an individual willing to organize your faith community to participate, you are invited! Please read more information on this document and fill out the form to join the campaign. You can also access our Voting & Civic Engagement page.

Join Here

Faith Labor Soladarity

Mickey Beary of Shalom United Church of Christ, Richland, and Donna Kary of Lord of Life Lutheran Church, Kennewick stand in solidarity with UCFW3000 workers.

Faith-Labor Solidarity in the Tri-Cities

Sunday August 11th, FAN Economic Justice Working Group Co-Leader Steve Clagett addressed United Food & Commercial Workers Union members, Local 3000 in Spanish at a picnic at Columbia River Park, Kennewick. Joining Steve at the event were Mickey Beary of Shalom United Church of Christ, Richland, and Donna Kary of Lord of Life Lutheran Church, Kennewick. Mickey and Donna represent two of the five FAN Advocating Faith Communities in the Tri-Cities. Donna also spoke to the group in Spanish highlighting available assistance through the Tri-Cities Immigrant Coalition that Shalom, Lord of Life, and others established to help immigrant families in need. The event featured a labor negotiation update, voter registration, speeches from candidates running for office in the new legislative districts that, per court order, finally favor Latino candidates, school supplies for kids, and summer picnic games.

Steve spoke of FAN solidarity with the union as it begins negotiations with Tri-Cities Foods for a new labor contract. He also mentioned the upcoming Labor & Souls to the Polls educational event occurring Sunday September 29th 2-4 p.m. at the Seattle Labor Temple. This event will include a voter registration table, education on initiatives, faith and labor leaders’ panel on the history and future of faith and labor relations, tasty food and much more (further details to follow in upcoming communications). If you are interested in helping at our FAN table or with voter registration at this event, please send an email to Blake Alford, faith-labor table staff representative at

UFCW3000’s goals are to “fight for economic, political, and social justice in our workplaces and our communities.” Sound familiar? That’s why FAN has been meeting with labor leaders since last fall to re-start the type of faith-labor alliances we’ve had in the past. It was out of these meetings that FAN received the invite to address UFCW’s Kennewick labor picnic.

If you want to be a part of this growing faith-labor alliance, please send an email to Steve at

Take Action

Mushroom workers

Tomo Duke who finished her time with FAN recently and FAN staffer Blake Alford met with National Farmworkers Ministry Executive Director Julie Taylor and Director of Farmworker Advocacy Elizabeth Rodriguez Marquez before Julie and Elizabeth traveled to meet with Sunnyside Mushroom workers.

Sign a Petition in Support of mushroom workers in Sunnyside, WA

  • Mushroom workers at Ostrom Mushroom Farm in Sunnyside WA are demanding a workplace free from threats, excessive pressure, harassment and retaliation. The workers have democratically elected a committee to represent with the United Farm Workers.
  • Workers and community members have delivered a petition signed by over 200 workers demanding fair pay, safe working conditions, equal opportunities, and respect. Workers want to take this petition national. Will you sign on?

Solidarity with Hotel Workers

Workers are demanding the industry respect our work. More than 13,000 hotel workers have already voted to authorize strikes in Boston, Honolulu, San Francisco, Providence, New Haven, Greenwich, San Jose, and Baltimore, with more to come. Strikes can occur any time following the expiration of contracts. Contracts in some cities have already expired with others to expire in the coming weeks.

Take the Pledge.

You can help us win strong union contracts that pay workers what they need to support their families. Your solidarity matters.

Upcoming Cluster Gatherings

SAVE THE DATES: Cluster gatherings will be held in Seattle and King County on September 22, October 20, and October 26. We’ll socialize and build relationships and trust to support our advocacy and solidarity work. More information coming soon.

Save the Date

Understanding the Impacts of the United States Indian Boarding Schools

Friday, October 11, 12-2 pm

Zoom panel presentation. Confirmed presenters:

  • Theresa Sheldon (Tulalip), Former Director of Policy and Advocacy, National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition
  • Jewell James (Lummi), Master Carver and boarding school student
  • Member of the WA State Truth & Reconciliation Tribal Advisory Committee (we hope)

Sponsored by the Interfaith Network with Indigenous Communities
More information and link coming soon.

Executive Director Hiring Process:
Midway Update

FAN’s hiring process for our next Executive Director is well underway. Our board and staff hiring committee has been diligently working together to find our next leader. Big thanks to everyone in our network who participated in our community survey. Your feedback has helped to shape our vision and priorities during this search process! We are currently in second round interviews with our top candidates, and we will share outcomes of the process soon.

-Rose Waterstone

A Staff Celebration

We are excited for our staff member Jess Ingman to welcome her newest family member into the world very soon! Please note that Jess will be on family leave for the next 3 months. Please reach out to our office at in the meantime if you have questions or projects that you’d normally work on with Jess!