On left, Eastern Washington Regional Organizer Brianna Dilts and Policy Engagement Director Kristin Ang attend the Eastern Washington Legislative Conference last weekend in Spokane. At right, ELCA Hunger Advocacy Fellow Tomo Duke attends Anti-Hunger Action Lobby Day in Olympia.
Kristin’s Policy Update – Week 4
FAN’s advocacy during the fourth week of the 2024 Legislative Session focused on several pivotal bills aimed at addressing poverty, hunger, economic instability, environmental justice, and mental health care for minors.
The week was also pivotal due to approaching cutoff dates, critical for the progression of legislation through the session. Policy Committee Cutoff was on January 31, marking the deadline for bills to pass out of their respective policy committees. The fiscal cutoff follows on Monday, February 5, indicating the last day that bills must pass out of House fiscal committees and Senate Ways & Means and Transportation committees. We are also nearing the last day to pass bills in the house of origin on February 13.
Safety Net: This was a big week for public hearings for our social safety net priorities:
SB 5964 – Healthy Free School Meals For All: The Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education had a hearing on SB 5964. This bill proposes to provide free school meals to all students, aiming to eliminate hunger among children in schools, thereby enabling better focus and academic performance. We strongly support this commitment to ensuring no child goes hungry.
SB 6196 – Evergreen Basic Income Pilot Program: The Senate Committee on Human Services discussed SB 6196 which seeks to establish pilot programs for a Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI), providing additional financial support to individuals facing economic hardships. The bill emphasizes dignity, autonomy, and the capacity to meet basic needs, showcasing a progressive approach to social welfare and economic security. Evergreen Basic Income Pilot Program would provide 24 monthly payments to up to 7500 qualifying participants in an amount equal to 100 percent of the fair market rent for a two-bedroom dwelling in the county in which a participant resides.
HB 1652 – TANF Child Support Payments: The Senate Committee on Law & Justice heard HB 1652, which advocates for families under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program to retain 100% of child support payments, promoting family stability and child welfare. The bill has already passed the House with significant support.
SB 5990 – CURB Pollution Act: The Senate Committee on Environment, Energy & Technology heard SB 5990, which aims to integrate environmental justice into the permitting process, focusing on monitoring unaddressed pollutants and enhancing health outcomes for affected communities. Led by our partner organization, Front & Centered, this bill would elevate the voices of impacted communities and ensure that polluting facilities are not disproportionately located in already overburdened communities. The House companion bill passed out of policy committee this week and was referred to Appropriations.
SB 5853 – Extending Crisis Relief Center Model for Behavioral Health to Minors: The Senate Ways & Means Committee heard SB 5853, which proposes to extend crisis relief center models for behavioral health to minors, highlighting a commitment to accessible and responsive mental health care services for young individuals.
HB 1929 – Supporting young adults following inpatient behavioral health treatment: House Appropriations Committee heard HB 1929 and scheduled the bill for executive session this weekend. It establishes the Post-Inpatient Housing Program for Young Adults, aimed at providing supportive transitional housing with behavioral health supports for individuals aged 18 to 24 exiting inpatient behavioral health treatment. Administered by the Health Care Authority, it would fund community-based organizations to operate residential programs across the state. These programs offer up to 90 days of housing, along with behavioral health support services, to aid in the recovery and transition of young adults into stable, long-term housing situations.
Excellent News of Bills Moving Forward!
The House unanimously passed HB 1332 – Supporting public school instruction in tribal sovereignty and federally recognized Indian tribes. The bill would help implement the Since Time Immemorial curriculum.
HB 2368 – Assisting Refugees and Immigrants passed out of House Committee on Human Services, Youth, & Early Learning.
SB 5961 – Improving Housing Stability for Tenants by Limiting Rent Increases passed out of Senate Committee on Housing. Besides limiting rent and fee increases, the bill would require notice of rent and fee increases, limit fees and deposits, establish a landlord resource center and associated services, authorize tenant lease termination, create parity between lease types, and providing for attorney general enforcement.
SB 6007 – Grocery Workers Employment Standards passed out of Senate Committee on Labor & Commerce.
HB 1368 – 100% Clean School Buses passed out of House Appropriations, referred to Rules.
SB 6052 – Holding Oil Companies Accountable passed out of Senate Committee on Environment, Energy & Technology.
SB 5241 – Keep Our Care Act had forward movement being placed on the second reading for Rules.
HB 2239 – Supporting student well-being through instruction in social-emotional skills passed out of House Committee on Education.
SB 6216 – Establishing a statewide network for student mental and behavioral health passed out of the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education, referred to Ways & Means.
Thank you for all your advocacy for these bills!
Resources for You and Your Communities
During these quickly moving weeks of session, we want to gather these resources for your easy reference as you advocate:
- FAN Legislative Preview recording
- Advocacy 101 training recording
- FAN’s Legislative Agenda updated on our website.
- Issue Fact Sheets from our coalition partners with information on bills.
- Bill Tracker as legislation moves through committee hearings.
- Take Action page which includes a link that you can use to write your own legislators
- Legislative Hotline to leave a brief phone message for your legislators: 800-562-6000
- Washington State Legislature. website with more of everything you need!
IFAD 2024 next Thursday!
We are nearing capacity for Interfaith Advocacy Day in Olympia next Thursday February 8! We will leave the registration open until Monday 2/5 at noon, but may not be able to guarantee an appointment with your legislative office. We are excited that our excellent coalition partners will provide workshops, and FAN staff will help guide you through the day. You’ll have a chance to hear from Sen. Yasmine Trudeau during the plenary, and later caucus with people from your district before legislative meetings. Because both chambers will be on the floor debating and voting on bills before cutoff, you will have an opportunity to see your legislators in action and perhaps meet them in the lobby for a brief conversation. Contact us if you have any last-minute questions at fan@fanwa.org.
Register for Yakima Advocacy Day
Our friends in Yakima are planning an advocacy day for Saturday, February 24, 9am-3pm at Wesley United Methodist Church. Sponsored by Between the Ridges: Alliance for the Common Good, a new organizing project in the Yakima Valley, and co-sponsored by FAN, Yakima Association of Faith Communities, Asian Pacific Islander Coalition, and other community groups. Goals include developing local advocacy, civic engagement, statewide advocacy, and mobilizing voters. Lunch and interpretation services will be provided, and donations accepted. download flyers in English and Spanish here.
Lobby Days with our Coalition Partners
Wednesday, February 7, 9:00am-4:00pm, online. Multi-faith Restorative Justice Coalition Advocacy Day
Wednesday, February 7, (9:00am-6:00pm) in-person. WAISN Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Day,
Thursday, February 8, 9:00am-3:00pm, in-person. FAN Interfath Advocacy Day 2024,
Thursday, February 15, 8:00am-3:30pm, in-person and online. Children’s Alliance, Have a Heart for Kids Advocacy Day,
Thursday, February 15, 8:30am-3:30pm, in-person. Jewish Community Relations Council Lobby Day. Contact alizam@jewishinseattle.org for information.
Monday, February 19, 9:00am-3:00pm, in-person. APRI Seattle, Charles Rolland African American Lobby Day.
Saturday, February 24, 9:00am-3:00pm, in-person. Yakima Advocacy Day,
Tuesday, February 27, Noon-1:00pm, in-person. Balance Our Tax Code Coalition Rally,
Look for opportunities to meet with your state legislators during their Town Halls--either by phone, online or in-person–as an excellent way to raise your priorities during session without traveling to Olympia. Find your legislator here and look on their website for town hall opportunities.
Our partners at SEIU 6 invite us to “Show some union love for downtown Seattle janitors!” on Wednesday, February 14, noon. Join with SEIU 6 to support workers in downtown Seattle, starting at McGraw Square. We will give out Valentines at two locations: the Medical Dental building, where a non-union company employs janitors to work below union standards without critical benefits like full family healthcare. Second, we’ll visit union janitors at another site who are uniting to fight back against heavy workloads that have taken a toll on them both physically and emotionally. We’ll deliver Valentines to let these janitors know that they are not alone, and that we will win together. Email us at fan@fanwa.org if you’d like to join the FAN contingent.
Upcoming Events
Saturday-Sunday, February 3-4, Refugee Shabbat, in-person, Congregation Beth Shalom, Seattle. Join in supporting the global Jewish movement for refugee protection and welcome. As borders turn away asylum seekers and climate change worsens existing challenges, it’s crucial to reaffirm our commitment to refugees.
Sunday, February 4, 1:00-2:30pm, Rosa Parks’ 111th Birthday Celebration, in-person, Veradale United Church of Christ, Spokane Valley.
Saturday, March 2, 9:00am-4:00pm, Decolonization for Transformation, in-person, Sunnyslope Church, Wenatchee. Save the Date for a Cultivating Justice featuring Sarah Augustine, Executive Director, Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery. Email Jess Ingman for more details.
Saturday, March 2, Noon, WA Poor People’s Campaign March to Stay Alive, in-person, WA State Capitol, Olympia. Join in the Mass Poor People’s Assembly in Olympia.
Saturday, March 9, 3:00pm, Interreligious Dialogue Initiative Film Screening and Discussion: Carving the Divine, in-person, Seattle University, Seattle. An event in solidarity and support for the Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple which recently experienced arson.
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