Opening ceremonies in Olympia included prayers in the House from Imam Omar Kaddoura from the Islamic Center of Olympia and Rabbi Seth Goldstein of Temple Beth Hatfiloh in Olympia, along with Squaxin tribal members. Policy Engagement Director Kristin Ang represented FAN throughout the week, pictured here with Rep. Brandy Donaghy and Rep. Jamila Taylor.
Kristin’s Policy Updates
The 2024 legislative session, a 60-day “short session,” commenced January 8, 2024. As a supplemental budget year, it will focus on updating the operating, transportation, and capital budgets for the period from 2023 to 2025. The Democratic party maintains a majority in both the House with 58 seats to 40 and the Senate with 29 seats to 20.
Monday’s opening ceremony in the House chamber was marked by a unifying spiritual moment, as Imam Omar Kaddoura from the Islamic Center of Olympia and Rabbi Seth Goldstein from Temple Beth Hatfiloh delivered the opening prayers, followed by prayers and drumming by the Squaxin Tribe. Their joint message urged state leaders to take a comprehensive look at the community’s needs and to strive for excellence and peace. This multifaith participation set a tone of inclusivity and responsibility, emphasizing the importance of addressing the diverse needs of all community members and being good stewards of the world. House Speaker Laurie Jinkins emphasized the importance of such inclusivity in her remarks, prioritizing increasing security grants for nonprofits and faith communities and mentioning other Democratic caucus priorities in her remarks.
On Tuesday, in his last State of the State address, Washington Governor Jay Inslee reflected on his terms’ successes and urged ongoing action. He highlighted Washington’s leadership in business, environmental protection, and health care, while advocating for more efforts in climate change, behavioral health, homelessness, and reproductive rights.
The House Environment Committee on Tuesday heard HB 2049, known as the Re-WRAP act, a forward-thinking bill aiming to revolutionize recycling in Washington. Entering its third year, the Re-WRAP Act focuses on extending curbside recycling to all residents and incentivizing sustainable packaging. The bill shifts end-of-use responsibility from consumers to producers, encouraging them to design products with sustainable, cost-effective materials. This approach could significantly reduce the reliance on fossil-fuel-based plastics and decrease the amount of packaging and paper products currently ending up in landfills or incinerators.
On Wednesday, a Legislator Education & Action Project event at the Capitol addressed the critical issue of expanding childcare options for families and employers, and ensuring safe environments for children and positively impacting their futures. Free School Meals for Students campaign was also part of this event.
Several bills on our agenda were heard Thursday: In the House Education Committee, Rep. Riccelli, prime sponsor of HB 2058 Free School Meals, testified on the importance of free school meals for K-12 students. HB 2058 aims to tackle child hunger head-on, ensuring no student is left behind due to lack of access to nutritious meals. It seeks to end lunch shaming, and recognizes the essential role of nutrition in a child’s ability to learn and thrive, just. This bill positions school meals as a crucial line of defense against hunger.
2024 Housing advocacy is focused on addressing housing stability and renter protection. Over a hundred people signed up to testify on HB 2114 Housing Stability for Tenants, championed by Rep. Alvarado. It proposes a balanced approach to address economic pressures in housing. It aims to prevent excessive rent hikes, ensuring stability and predictability for renters while offering a fair return to landlords. Key features include a 5% cap on rent increases, with exceptions for new dwellings and when renters voluntarily vacate.
The Appropriations Committee had a hearing on SHB 1045, creating the Evergreen Basic Income Pilot Program that received over 1350+ PRO votes and testimony about the positive impacts from the guaranteed basic income (GBI) program called GRIT in Tacoma. Also heard in Appropriations, SHB 1386 100% Clean School Buses would improve healthy air for school children and communities, plus improve climate outcomes with major reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and diesel particulates. This bill would transition over 10,000 school buses, the largest transit network in the state, to 100% clean energy.
Recordings of FAN trainings and Links You’ll Need
We were grateful for those who attended our Legislative Preview last Sunday and want to make available this Legislative Preview recording for those who may have missed it, or for you to share in your faith communities as you prepare to advocate during the legislative session. We are also glad that so many of you were able to join our Advocacy 101 sessions this week, to learn more from FAN Staff about how to advocate or refresh your skills. The recording of Advocacy 101 sessions is also available to share with your communities.
Remember you can always find FAN’s Legislative Agenda on our website; it is still being updated with bill numbers as session continues. Our Issue Fact Sheets for each bill will continue to be updated as well as our Bill Tracker as legislation moves through committee hearings. Our Take Action page will always include a link that you can use to write your own legislators to highlight issues you care about this session, as well as a link to the weekly enews action items. And everything else you need can be found at the Democracy Award-winning website for Washington State Legislature.
Register for Interfaith Advocacy Day
Registration is open for Interfaith Advocacy Day in Olympia on Thursday February 8! We have a space limit of 200 this year, so please don’t delay—registration closes January 29, or before if filled. The sooner we know you’re coming, FAN staff will be able to arrange legislative meetings for you.
You’ll have a chance to hear plenary and workshop presentations, caucus with people from your district, and meet with your legislators or their aides. We are intending to have an online opportunity in late January to meet others in your legislative district before IFAD to strategize your day in Olympia—more information will be shared with those who register. Put together a carpool and plan to join us! Overnight accommodations are available February 7 at Gwinwood Retreat Center in Lacey for those coming from further away; the cost is $35 per person. Please contact FAN Events Manager Alex at if you are interested.
Eastern WA Legislative Conference January 27
FAN is pleased to co-sponsor the 2024 Eastern Washington Legislative Conference on Saturday, January 27, at Spokane Valley United Methodist Church, 8:30am to 3pm. It will be in-person/hybrid with a link for those who wish to participate on Zoom.
The gathering will feature plenary panels and workshops on the theme Renewing Our Hope for the Future. There will be panel presentations by young adults, environmental activists and faith leaders, along with several workshops.
Legislative briefings will be led by Kristin Ang for FAN, Jean Welch HIll of the Washington State Catholic Conference, and Sarah Robinson of Earth Ministry/Washington Interfaith Power and Light.
Registration is $32 in person with lunch or $25/person for a group of five or more. Online registration is $20, or $15/person in a group of five+. There are scholarships. For information, call 509-535-4112 or register at The Fig Tree BY JAN. 15 for the link (online) and for the lunch (in person).
Lobby Days with our Coalition Partners
Monday, January 15, 11:15am-4:30pm, in-person. Washington Community Action Network MLK Lobby Day
Wednesday, January 24, 9:00am-5:00pm, in-person. Civil Survival Lobby Day
Tuesday, January 30, 9:00am-4:00pm, in-person. WLIHA Housing and Homelessness Advocacy Day
Wednesday, January 31, 9:00am-4:30pm, in-person. OneAmerica Lobby Day
Thursday, February 1, Time TBA, in-person. Anti-Hunger and Nutrition Coalition Hunger Advocacy Day. Join the Hunger Action Day Training online, Wednesday, January 10 from 9:00-10:00am. Please e-mail Tomo for the link.
Wednesday, February 7, (9:00am-6:00pm) in-person. WAISN Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Day.
Thursday, February 8, 9:00am-3:00pm, in-person. Interfath Advocacy Day 2024.
Thursday, February 15, 8:30am-3:30pm, in-person. Jewish Community Relations Council Lobby Day. Contact for information.
Dr. MLK Jr Days of Action and Celebration
Saturday-Thursday, January 13-18, Spokane MLK Events, in-person. Join a variety of events in the Spokane area to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Sunday, January 14, 3:00pm, Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Celebration, in-person, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Baptist Church, 4519 NE 10th Street, Renton. Hear from Attorney Craig Sims and celebrate the theme, Living the Dream.
January 9-15, The Seattle MLK Jr. Coalition Presents: MLK Jr’s Dream Unfinished, in-person and online. Join a variety of events and workshops including a conversation on Faith and Reparations on Monday, January 15. R
Upcoming Events
Sunday, January 14, 1:00-3:30pm, Learning Right Relations, in-person, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 1515 Harrison Avenue NW, Olympia. Join Elder Mark Kremen to hear about his experience living through the forces of assimilation during his childhood and reclaiming the cultural background of his Tribe.
Tuesday, January 16, 10:00-11:00am, Write Postcards to your Legislators, in-person, Westminster UCC, 411 S Washington Street, Spokane. Join Eastern Washington Regional Organizer Brianna Dilts in connecting with your legislators. E-mail for more details.
Tuesday, January 16, 7:00-8:00pm, 3rd LD Telephone Town Hall w/Rep. Ormsby, Rep. Riccelli and Sen. Billig, online.
Tuesday, January 16, 7:00pm, Immanuel Presbyterian Church 2024 Advocacy Action, online. Immanuel Presbyterian Tacoma invites you to join them online weekly as they take advocacy action together. E-mail Beth Prevo for more details
Wednesday, January 17, 1:00pm, WHEEL/Women in Black Vigil, in-person, City Hall Steps, 4th and James, Seattle. Stand vigil for homeless individuals who died unhoused in Seattle. To learn more contact
Thursday, January 18, and Sunday, January 21, in-person and online. Homelessness: Myths, Statistics and Policy Alternatives events with First United Methodist Church and Meaningful Movies: Watch Razing of Liberty Square streaming online January 18 at 6:00pm then watch Stories of Us: Camp Second Chance. Both films will be discussed on Sunday January 21 in-person and online. Learn more in this article.
Friday-Sunday, February 2-4, Embodying Curiosity and Openness to Change, in-person, Newport Presbyterian, 4010 120th Avenue SE, Bellevue. Learn at the 2024 Meekhof Lecture from Rev. Larissa Kwong Abazia, a leader in innovation and diversity in the Presbyterian Church about the Ecology of Community.
Saturday-Sunday, February 3-4, Refugee Shabbat, in-person, Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Avenue NE, Seattle. Join in supporting the global Jewish movement for refugee protection and welcome. As borders turn away asylum seekers and climate change worsens existing challenges, it’s crucial to reaffirm our commitment to refugees and take a moment to reflect and celebrate our progress.
Sunday, February 4, 1:00-2:30pm, Rosa Parks’ 111th Birthday Celebration, in-person, Veradale United Church of Christ, 611 N Progress Road, Spokane Valley. Bring your gifts and donations, share some dessert and hear about powerful stories about Rosa Parks’ life.
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