Dear Friends of Faith and Conscience,
As FAN is in the final days of preparation for our Annual Dinner, United in Hope, we are sorrowful that rising hate speech and action targeting individuals and institutions based on their religious faith is increasing fear in our Jewish and Muslim faith communities.
While people engaged with FAN hold a range of views on the war and violence in Israel/Palestine, and FAN’s focus remains on domestic policy, we are united in standing against antisemitism and Islamophobia, as we have been throughout FAN’s 12-year history. We have publicly supported mosques and synagogues that have faced such threats. FAN is committed to standing together publicly and privately – as we have before – against hatred of any religious group and for the right of all to practice their faith and publicly identify with their faith tradition.
We encourage members of our FAN network to reach out to Jewish and Muslim faith leaders in their own communities to learn what they are experiencing and what might be helpful support from those of other faith traditions. Please share with FAN staff any specific incidents of vandalism, harassment, threats, or violence.
Our multi-faith relationships have been challenged in these days but they will endure as we lift up what unites us and as we continue our work together for the well being of all in our state.
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