Registration for FAN Annual Dinner Open

We are delighted to announce that our online registration is ready for tickets and tables at our Annual Dinner celebration on Sunday evening, November 19! Please go to our event webpage and click on the Renton, Spokane, or Online buttons to secure your seat(s). In-person space is limited!

Our theme United in Hope emerged because this is the year we know we need to gather in the midst of policy threats to communities we care about and to our democracy as a whole. We plan to raise our Hope together to unite the strength of our multi-faith movement. Help support and promote our major fundraiser to keep FAN strong for the year ahead, and leave with a stronger sense of unity and hope!

If you would like to be a sponsor of the event to help generate hope, contact Elise at If you would like to volunteer and be part of the hope team, email or call us at 206-625-9790.

Join a Cluster Meeting Near You

Cluster gatherings in North Seattle, Tri-Cities, and Port Townsend have been energizing so far! We have enjoyed reconnecting with advocates, hearing about local advocacy activities, and strategizing for future collaborations. We are grateful to our hosts who have helped us move plans forward, and want to make sure you don’t miss one near you:

OLYMPIC PENINSULA: Hosted by Jefferson Interfaith Action Coalition, Thursday October 5, 4:00pm.
Register here.

NORTH CENTRAL WASHINGTON: With the Interfaith Justice Coalition, Sunday October 8, 2:00-3:30 pm.
Hosted by Grace Lutheran Church, Wenatchee – Register here.

GREATER EVERETT AREA: Sunday October 15, 2:00-4:00 pm
Hosted by Evergreen Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Everett – Register here.

CENTRAL/WEST/SOUTH SEATTLE: Sunday October 22, 2:00-4:00 pm
Hosted by Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral, Seattle – Register here.

TACOMA/PIERCE COUNTY: Sunday October 22, 5:00-7:00 pm
Hosted by Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Tacoma – Register here

SPOKANE: Tuesday, October 24, 5:30-7:00 pm.
Hosted by St. John’s Cathedral, Spokane – Register here.

EAST KING COUNTY: Wednesday October 25, 6:30-8:00 pm
Hosted by Newport Presbyterian Church, Bellevue – Register here.

EDMONDS/LYNNWOOD: Sunday October 29, 2:00-3:30 pm.
Hosted by Edmonds United Methodist Church, Edmonds – Register here.

SOUTHWEST WASHINGTON AREA: Sunday October 29, 2:00-3:30 pm.
Hosted by Vancouver United Church of Christ, Vancouver – Register here.

BELLINGHAM AREA: Sunday November 5, 4:00-5:30 pm
Hosted by Christ the Servant Lutheran & First Congregational – Bellingham – Register here.

OLYMPIA/THURSTON COUNTY: Sunday December 3, 3:00-4:30pm, Olympia Unitarian Universalist, Olympia. Registration to come.

Still being planned: Ellensburg, South King County, Yakima. If you would like to host a meeting in your area, please contact us at Cluster list is updated at our cluster webpage.

Food Week of Action

Each year, with the support of Presbyterian Hunger Program and ELCA Advocacy, we sponsor Food Week of Action awareness and activities, this year taking place October 15-22. While we work on hunger and its root causes year round, a week of focus allows us to highlight some of the ways faith communities and individuals can engage in multiple solutions to end hunger, poverty, and their intersections with so many other issues we work on. This year’s theme is People and the Planet First, and Tomo Duke, ELCA Hunger Advocacy Fellow, has put together this resource you can use. Consider distributing it as a document with your newsletters and bulletins during the month of October. Include a sermon or educational forum during your weekly gatherings. Choose to highlight one action you and your community might take together.

We especially hope you’ll plan to attend our webinar on Wednesday, October 18, 6-7pm (register here), which will provide an overview of state and federal legislation addressing hunger and poverty in the year ahead.

Thank you for all you do to end hunger in our communities, through direct service and lifting your voices and stories in advocacy! Please contact Tomo Duke for more information at

FAN at Holden Village this Fall

We are delighted to be part of Holden Village’s excellent programming this Fall. FAN Policy Engagement Director Kristin Ang will be part of a Faith and Public Life workshop October 27-30. She will be joined by Jason DeRose, Religion & Belief Correspondent for NPR News. Fall is a beautiful time to visit Holden, and the other Fall programming looks great too! Register here.