2012 – “Faiths Like These”

FAN’s Annual Awards Dinner, Faiths Like These, held at Seattle’s Temple De Hirsch Sinai on December 9, 2012 was a great success. The inspiring and visually exciting program united FAN advocates as they celebrated FAN’s work for justice in 2012. Attendance was a record-breaking 400 and included representatives from over 60 faith communities; over many faith traditions and community partners. There were key elected officials and many faith leaders from across the region.

FAN’s retired Co-Director, Alice Woldt, received the Lifetime Justice Award for her dedication to changing the structures that create and perpetuate injustice. The Interfaith Award was presented to the Gurdwara Singh Sabha of Renton, for opening its doors to the community following the shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin earlier this year. Two faith communities in FAN’s network received the Advocating Congregation Awards: Vancouver First Congregational Church, and Shalom United Church of Christ in Richland.

Many thanks to our wonderful volunteers, sponsors, and table hosts! And thanks to those of you who attended, donated, and otherwise supported our event. View photos from the event here, and share them with your community! Thank you for a great night!