More information will be shared in the months ahead. We are planning for a hybrid celebration, with in-person opportunities as well as options to view remotely. Email us at if you’d like to volunteer your skills to make this a grand reunion! Stay tuned!

Candidate Forums in South King County

FAN is honored to co-sponsor with the Coalition of Immigrants, Refugees, & Communities of Color (CIRCC) and Seattle-King County NAACP three pre-primary candidate forums next week. If you vote in the 30th, 37th, or 47th districts, please plan to attend to hear candidates in your district speak to the justice issues that matter to you.

Saturday July 23 | 37th LD Candidates
10:00-12:00PM at Jefferson Community Center, Seattle

Monday July 25 | 47th LD Candidates
6:00PM-8:30PM, Kent Commons, Kent

Tuesday JULY 26 | 30th LD Candidates
6:00PM-8:30PM, Twin Lakes Golf Course, Federal Way

For COVID safety, in-person attendance is limited to the first 50 people to RSVP to by Friday July 22nd. Everyone can view the livestream at Please share the flyer in your community.

Meet with Your Representatives this Summer/Fall

The interim time between state legislative sessions and during Congressional recesses is a great time to meet with your elected officials. We can spend more time with them, invite them to your faith community or social service site to hear what their constituents are facing in the community, and have conversations to shape their decision-making when they’re back in Olympia or D.C.

FAN Policy Engagement Director Kristin Ang would like to help organize several of these interim meetings during the rest of summer and fall. Please let us know at this link if you would like to attend or help organize, and make sure we have your contact information and legislative district. Thank you!

FAN Welcomes New Board Members

We are delighted to welcome two new Governing Board members to help shape FAN’s mission and work in the years ahead!

We give thanks for the Governing Board members who completed their terms in the past year: Rev. Lee Carney-Hartman, Sara Franklin-Phillips, Rev. Ken Jones, and Rabbi Ruth Zlotnick.

The strategic support of such dedicated leaders are a spiritual force helping guide FAN’s mission — we thank all our board members for their service!

Funding available to help Working Families

Once a bill is passed, there is much work to do to implement it. FAN is part of the Working Families Tax Credit coalition to implement this important source of cash for individuals and families. You can help!

Our coalition’s advocacy in the legislative session made $10 million in grants available for organizations to do outreach to make sure people know they are eligible for the Working Families Tax Credit. Navigation support is needed to reach low-income families, individuals, and immigrants who are ITIN filers.

Opportunity: Antiracism Workshop

JUUstice Washington announces that Crossroads Antiracism Organizing will hold two upcoming workshops. The first focuses on white supremacy and its power to co-opt us. The second offers an introduction to systemic racism, and its relationship to white dominant culture in the United States.

Dominating White Ways
Saturday, July 23
7:00 AM – 3:00 PM PDT

Introduction to Systemic Racism
Thursday, July 28th and Friday, July 29th
4:00 PM – 7:30 pm PST on each day.


July 16 | 12:00 PM | Auburn, WA
Episcopal Diocese of Olympia’s Circles of Color is hosting a Welcome Liturgy for their new Canon for Multicultural Ministries. The Eucharist will be followed by a multi-cultural potluck. Bring your family, and represent your cultural cuisine with a dish at St. Matthew/San Mateo Episcopal Church. Please RSVP.

July 16 | 2:00 – 4:00 PM | Tukwila, WA
Join Raise the Wage Tukwila for a summer BBQ and picnic as they celebrate making it on the November ballot. Outside of Riverton Park United Methodist Church, carpools from the light rail station will be available. Sign-up here.

July 17 | 12:00 – 2:00 PM | Seattle, WA
Join Washington Community Action Network for a community picnic and GOTV Kick Off at Judkins Park in Seattle! This is a time to share stories, catch up, and connect with WashingtonCAN staff, members, and community. Food and Beverages will be provided. RSVP here.

July 18 | 1:00 PM | Remote
Hear from ACLU lawyer, Enoka Herat. She focuses on police practices and immigration and will be speaking at Shalom United Church of Christ’s Missions and Social Action Committee. Herat was a key player in drafting the 2021 WA bill that bans the use of chokeholds and requires de-escalation tactics. Click here to join in.

July 21 | 12:00 – 1:30 PM | Tacoma, WA
The Bryant Neighborhood Center at Trinity Presbyterian Church is hosting “Your Future Self,” a Women’s Workshop with Mayor Victoria Woodards. This free in-person event is in lieu of this year’s Interfaith Women’s Conference that had to be cancelled due to Covid-19. Click here to register.